Saturday, August 15, 2009

Camp Week

Hey everybody!

Wow, what a week! As I mentioned before, the team from Southeastern University arrived on Monday, and then Tuesday was the first day of camp. The morning camp was being organized by Opportunity International and we were just partnering with them for the week to help them run the camp. Unfortunately they were only able to get a few kids to come (despite getting around 30 kids to sign up). So tuesday and wednesday morning, we had like 7 kids there. So on wednesday morning, the team from Southeastern actually took that time to get in a little practice, and James was gone picking up/working out one of the professional players. So that left pretty much all the responsibility on my shoulders, but like i said....there were only 7 it wasn't bad at all. I believe God was really able to work through me and by the end of the time that morning, one of the kids (Bernardo) was very interested in being in a huddle group w/ me (where i would teach him english, help him w/ his basketball skills, and most importantly....share the gospel with him). So that was very encouraging.

Then, on Thursday morning we went to an island just off the coast of Cartagena, and worked with some of the kids there. YWAM (youth with a mission) has a base there, so we were able to work alongside of them. This was an extremely poor area, but James and I were able to go talk to the school administrator, as well as someone from the local church about starting a huddle group there as well. So it looks very possible that they may be my job once a week. (so if you remember from my previous post.....that is now 3 days a week at Mamonal, 1 day at this island, and the rest of the time right here in Cartagena). It's amazing how God is bringing everything together.

Anyway, on Friday morning we were back at the high school working with both the 7 kids who had been there earlier in the week, as well as some of the kids we were able to boat in from that island. After this camp, we had the opportunity to share with them, presenting the whole gospel (not watered down in the slightest, despite being at a Catholic school), and give them all Spanish New Testaments. It was great to see how attentive the kids were!

The kids and us in the Friday morning session

Meanwhile, every afternoon we were putting on a camp for the kids of the Catholic school there in Cartagena. There was a much bigger turnout for these (80 kids or so). These camps went extremely well and every day one of the guys from Southeastern gave their testimony at the end. I did a lot of translating for the guys during the thank you all for your prayers for my Spanish! :) Finally, at the end of the week on Friday, James once again had the opportunity to talk to them and hand out New Testaments to them all. Pray that they will read the Bibles and come to us w/ questions and open doors for us to talk w/ them more.

Today is a scrimmage between Southeastern and the professional team here (and i get to play w/ Southeastern). So that should be fun. Alright, well, I have to get going. But i just wanted to let you guys know, that God has really been answering prayer and this week went so well! Thank you all and I love you.

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